Commentary on HOA property values in Regulation article
"What Are Private Governments Worth?", Amanda Agan & Alexander Tabarrok, Regulation, Cato Institute, Vol. 28, No. 3, Fall 2005
This is a very insightful question to ask and to answer, raising important public policy issues and providing direction for policy makers. To paraphrase, "Do the property value benefits of HOAs measure up to the protection and support received by state governments?" What is the government's interest in promoting and encouraging these private governments?
For more see ... Values.
View the Regulation article at Cato
This is a very insightful question to ask and to answer, raising important public policy issues and providing direction for policy makers. To paraphrase, "Do the property value benefits of HOAs measure up to the protection and support received by state governments?" What is the government's interest in promoting and encouraging these private governments?
For more see ... Values.
View the Regulation article at Cato