Homeowner Advocate author of Westlaw legal text
Exciting news!!!!! HOA law book written by an advocate and not by an industry supporter!!! Acknowledging Shu Bartholomew, AHRC (Elizabeth McMahon) and yours truly, George K. Staropoli.
New Book:
Title: California Common Interest Development -- Homeowner's Guide
Publisher: Thomson-West Legal Publishers (leading publisher of legal materials)
Author: D. Vanitzian
Series: The Expert Series
Cost: $120
Call Mike Belz at Thomson West Inside Sales
800-328-9352 X76432
*Price subject to change without notice or check its web site.
Forward in the book is written by: Justice Armand Arabian, (Ret. California Supreme Court)
Congratulations Donie !!!!
New Book:
Title: California Common Interest Development -- Homeowner's Guide
Publisher: Thomson-West Legal Publishers (leading publisher of legal materials)
Author: D. Vanitzian
Series: The Expert Series
Cost: $120
Call Mike Belz at Thomson West Inside Sales
800-328-9352 X76432
*Price subject to change without notice or check its web site.
Forward in the book is written by: Justice Armand Arabian, (Ret. California Supreme Court)
Congratulations Donie !!!!
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